Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

B.Sc. is a graduation course of 3 years duration having 6 semesters. The course teaches the students about the basic and intermediate level concepts in the domain of Science theory.


B.Sc. is a graduation course of 3 years duration having 6 semesters. The course teaches the students about the basic and intermediate level concepts in the domain of Science theory.

Eligibility for Admission:

Higher Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or its equivalent Examination with English and Biology; and two of the science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Geology, etc.

Career Opportunities

Our graduates work and intern in a range of jobs in a broad range of fields — public relations, marketing, advertising, social media, television, radio, magazines, human resources, event planning, education, nonprofits, and technology. We’ve also had graduates start their own businesses and others go on to graduate school in communication, law, public health, strategic communications, and education.

Program Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of how communication shapes patterns of social interaction, the expression of cultural values and norms, political practices and relations of power, and our positions as local and global citizens.

Be able to use a variety of methodological tools to analyze interpersonal, intercultural, and rhetorical discourse that structures everyday interactions in both our public and private lives.

Demonstrate an understanding of the possibilities, problems, and history of discourse and deliberation in democracy and will be prepared to use their knowledge to work for a just and more humane world.

Evaluation Pattern

  • The course carrying 100 marks shall be evaluated with Continuous Assessment (CA) and University Evaluation (UE) mechanism.
  • Continuous assessment shall be of 30 marks while University Evaluation shall be of 70 marks. To pass in a course of 4 credit, a student has to secure minimum 40 marks provided that he should secure minimum 28 marks in University Evaluation (UE) and 12 marks (40%) in continuous assessment.
  • The course carrying 50 marks shall be evaluated with Continuous Assessment (CA) and University Evaluation (UE) mechanism. Continuous assessment shall be of 15 marks while University Evaluation shall be of 35 marks.
  • To pass in a course of 2 or 1.5 credit, a student has to secure minimum 20 marks provided that he/she should secure minimum 14 marks in University Evaluation (UE) and 6 marks (40%) in continuous assessment.
  • For Internal examination minimum two tests per paper of which one has to be a written test 10 Marks
  • Methods of assessment for Internal exams: Seminars, Viva-voce, Projects, Surveys, Field visits, Tutorials, Assignment, Group Discussion, etc (on approval of the head of the centre)
  • There shall be revaluation of the answer scripts of semester-end examination of theory papers only but not of internal assessment papers as per Ordinance no 134 A and B.

A.T.K.T Rules

Minimum number of credits required to take admission to Second Year of B. Sc.: 31 [70%). Minimum number of credits required to take admission to Third Year of B.Sc.: 44 credits [100%] to be completed from F.Y. B.Sc. and at least 22 credits from S.Y. B.Sc.


Subjects Offered

Group A

Group B

Group C













F.Y. B.Sc.
Semester ISemester II
CourseCourse NameTotal marksCourseCourse NameTotal marks
CC – 1Paper I50CC – 5Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
CC – 2Paper I50CC – 6Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
CC – 3Paper I50CC – 7Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
CC – 4Paper I50CC – 8Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
 Total Marks600 Total Marks600
S.Y. B.Sc.
Semester IIISemester IV
CourseCourse NameTotal marksCourseCourse NameTotal marks
CC – 1Paper I50CC – 5Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
CC – 2Paper I50CC – 6Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
CC – 3Paper I50CC – 7Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
AECCEnv. Science 150AECCEnv. Science 150
Communication 50Communication 50
 Total Marks550 Total Marks550
T.Y. B.Sc.
Semester VSemester VI
CourseCourse NameTotal marksCourseCourse NameTotal marks
DSE 1Paper I50DSE 4Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
DSE 2Paper I50DSE 5Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
DSE 3Paper I50DSE 6Paper I50
Paper II50Paper II50
SEC – 1Skill Based Course – 150SEC – 2Env. Science 150
Skill Based Course – 250Communication 50
 Total Marks550 Total Marks550

CC – Core Course
AECC- Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
DSE – Discipline Specific Elective
SEC – Skill Enhancement Course

Semester 4 Credits Number
Relational Communication 4 ESTU 768
Public Relations Campaigns 4 ESTU 432
Rhetoric of Social Movements 2 ESTU 873
Total for the entire period of study 40

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