Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

The B.Com. Degree Course will consist of six semesters divided into three Years.


The B.Com. Degree Course will consist of six semesters divided into three Years. The first year (Semester I and II) choice based credit system examination will be held at the end of the each semester. The Second Year (Semester III and IV) and Third Year (Semester V and VI) choice based credit system examination will be held at the end of each semester.


No Candidates shall be admitted to the First Year of the B.Com. Degree Course (2019 pattern) unless he/she has passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination of the Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education Board or equivalent or University with English as a passing Course.


The medium of instruction for B.Com. Degree course shall be either Marathi or English except languages

Career Opportunities

Our graduates work and intern in a range of jobs in a broad range of fields — public relations, marketing, advertising, social media, television, radio, magazines, human resources, event planning, education, nonprofits, and technology. We’ve also had graduates start their own businesses and others go on to graduate school in communication, law, public health, strategic communications, and education.

Program Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of how communication shapes patterns of social interaction, the expression of cultural values and norms, political practices and relations of power, and our positions as local and global citizens.

Be able to use a variety of methodological tools to analyze interpersonal, intercultural, and rhetorical discourse that structures everyday interactions in both our public and private lives.

Demonstrate an understanding of the possibilities, problems, and history of discourse and deliberation in democracy and will be prepared to use their knowledge to work for a just and more humane world.

Standard of Passing

A candidate is required to obtain 40% marks in Internal Assessment, Practical Examination and Semester End University Examination. It means that passing separately at internal assessment, practical examination and semester end university examination is compulsory.

A.T.K.T. Rules

  • If a candidate fails in all the courses (subject heads) of passing of semester I shall be allowed to proceed semester II. However, a student who fails in four theory courses and two practical courses at semester I and II taken together may be admitted to semester III & IV.
  • If a candidate fails in all the courses (subject heads) of passing of semester III shall be allowed to proceed to semester IV.
  • If a candidate fails in all the courses (subject heads) of passing of semester V shall be allowed to proceed to semester VI. However, a student who fails in four theory courses and two practical courses at semester III and IV taken together may be admitted to semester V & VI.
  • No candidate shall be allowed to proceed to semester V unless the candidate has cleared semester I & II in all courses (Subjects).
  • ATKT rules are applicable for 2nd and 4th semester.

Internship Program

The students who have sought admission to the semester V & VI of T.Y.B.Com under Choice Based Credit System need to undergo ‘Internship Programme’. The internship programme is compulsory. A student has to undergo Internship Programme in the Discipline Specific Special Subject which he / has chosen in S.Y.B.Com. (Semester III & IV). A student has to undergo sixty hours of practical training in business establishments.



Sr. No.

Semester I

Semester II


Compulsory English – I

Compulsory English – II


Financial Accounting – I

Financial Accounting – II


Business Economics (Micro) – I

Business Economics (Micro) – II


Business Mathematics and Statistics – I OR

Computer Concepts and Applications – I

Business Mathematics and Statistics – II OR

Computer Concepts and Applications – II


Banking & Finance – I

Banking & Finance – II


Marketing & Salesmanship – I

Marketing & Salesmanship – II


Additional English-I or Marathi – I

Additional English-I or Marathi – II


Value Added Course – I

Value Added Course – II



Democracy, Election & Good

Governance (Add on Credit Course)



Physical Education


Sr. No.

Semester III

Semester IV


Business Communication – I

Business Communication – II


Corporate Accounting – I

Corporate Accounting – II


Business Economics (Macro) – I

Business Economics (Macro) – II


Principles & Functions of Management– I

Principles & Functions of Management – II


Elements of Company Law – I

Elements of Company Law – II


Special Subject – Paper I

a.  Cost & Works Accounting

b.  Marketing Management

Special Subject – Paper II

a.   Cost & Works Accounting

b.   Marketing Management


Environment Awareness

Environment Awareness



Sr. No.

Semester V

Semester VI


Business Regulatory Framework – I

Business Regulatory Framework – II


Advanced Accounting – I

Advanced Accounting – II


Indian & Global Economic Development – I

Indian & Global Economic Development – II


Auditing & Taxation – I

Auditing & Taxation – II


Special Subject – Paper II

a.   Cost & Works Accounting

b.   Marketing Management

Special Subject – Paper II

a.   Cost & Works Accounting

b.  Marketing Management


Special Subject – Paper III

a. Cost & Works Accounting

b. Marketing Management

Special Subject – Paper III

a.   Cost & Works Accounting

b.  Marketing Management



Each practical course will be of one credit. Practical subjects are

  • For the F.Y.B.Com. Financial Accounting.
  • For S.Y.B.Com. Compulsory subject Business Communication and special subjects.
  • For T.Y.B.Com Compulsory subject Auditing & Taxation T.Y.B.Com and special subjects.

A Student must offer the same Special Course at T.Y.B.Com. (Semester V & VI) which he / she has offered at S.Y.B.Com. (Semester III and IV)

Semester 4 Credits Number
Relational Communication 4 ESTU 768
Public Relations Campaigns 4 ESTU 432
Rhetoric of Social Movements 2 ESTU 873
Total for the entire period of study 40

Do you have more questions?

Contact us

Sr.32 Raje chowk, Ambegaon BK, Pune, Maharashtra 411046

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After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.


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