Student Support

Where to turn when you need a helping hand

A college education can open a wealth of opportunities for students, offering them the skills and qualifications to launch successful careers. However, it is not without its challenges! Navigating through the piles of paperwork and demands that come with being enrolled in university can be an intimidating experience, making it difficult to focus on studying. That’s why having access to supportive resources and guidance from experienced professionals is so important.

The college's students are officially advised not to participate in "RAGGING." They are subject to punishment if found guilty of ragging, regardless of any other criminal actions that may be taken in accordance with any applicable penal legislation. According to the University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi's definition of ragging as published in the Gazette of India on July 4, 2009. Ragging includes any one or more of the following behaviours:


  1. any behaviour by a student or students that has the effect of taunting, treating, or dealing with rudeness a fresher or any other student, whether it be via words said or written or by an act;
  2. participating in violent or disruptive acts by any student or students that disturb, inconvenience, inflict bodily or psychological injury, or that induce fear or anticipation of such harm in any new students or other student;
  3. asking an act from a student that they would not typically do and that has the potential to harm the physical or mental health of the student or any other student by inflicting or creating humiliation, misery, or embarrassment;
  4. Any action by a senior student that inhibits, disturbs, or interferes with any other student’s or a freshmen’s usual academic activities;
  5. using a new student’s or any other student’s services to complete the academic assignments given to a single person or group of people.
  6. any act of financial extortion or forceful spending imposed by students on a freshman or any other student;
  7. any kind of physical abuse, including all variations such as sexual abuse, attacks on homosexuals, stripping, forcing others to engage in obscene or indecent behaviour, endangering their health or safety;
  8. any behaviour that includes verbal abuse, vicarious enjoyment, or a sadistic rush from intentionally or unintentionally upsetting freshmen or any other student, whether by spoken remarks, emails, posts, or any other means;
  9. Any action taken against a student or any other student that undermines their mental well-being and self-confidence, whether or not it’s done with the intention of indulging in sadistic enjoyment or to demonstrate a student’s superiority over another student or students.

Administrative action against ragging:

  1. With or without the purpose to get sadistic pleasure or demonstrate power, authority, or superiority over freshmen or other students. The Anti-Ragging Squad may impose one or more of the following sanctions, depending on the type and severity of the guilt:

    1. Loss of academic rights and privileges, including class attendance.
    2. Withholding/removing awards such as fellowships and scholarships.
    3. Disqualification from taking part in any test, examination, or other assessment procedure.
    4. Refusing to release results.
    5. Being prohibited from representing the organisation at any youth festival, competition, or regional, national, or international event.
    6. Expulsion from the hostel or suspension.
    7. Admission cancellation.
    8. Being suspended from the school for one to four semesters.


    Expulsion from the university, followed by a time-limited ban on enrolment at any other institutions. As long as no one is named as having committed or helped to commit ragging, the institution must use collective punishment.


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